Inis LaMothe, PsyD

Hello, I’m Dr. Inis LaMothe (sounds like “In-is LaMote”). I’m a licensed clinical psychologist with 20+ years in the mental health field. Insurance billing requires a diagnosis, but I do not see you as your diagnosis. I currently describe my therapeutic approach as trauma-informed, mindfulness, and compassion focused. I help you learn and/or deepen your ability to tune into your experiences of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. I see people make change more fluidly when we have this type of knowledge and connection with ourselves. This is my personal experience as well.
She / her / hers
How I Think About the Therapy Process
Let’s face it, it’s challenging being a human living in our complicated world. You and I work together to figure out what works best for you in your unique life. We can work on the relationship with yourself and then shift happens in relationship with others and life.
Who I Best Work With
I work primarily with individual adults struggling with depression, anxiety, life transitions, health challenges, grief/loss, trauma, and relationship problems. I also enjoy working with people around issues related to identity including career, culture, gender, LGBTQIA+ and the intersection with everyday life. I incorporate mindfulness practices, engaged conversation, tapping, Cognomovement, breathwork, reading, journaling, contemplation, and inspired action as appropriate for a given person and goals.
Who I Am Outside of Work
I moved to the Oregon coast in 2023 where I love my community, family/friends, kayaking, hiking, yoga, agate hunting, full-time RV living, watching my cats do their thing on the farm, learning new things, and reading all the books I can get my hands on.
Location: Telehealth Only
Phone: (360) 633-3734 | Email:
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Spectrum Psychological Associates:
888 240-5967
Spectrum Psychiatric Associates:
425 252-8637